The Power of Practicing Gratitude

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What might happen if you choose to find good in every situation, every day? Join counselor Eileen Colianni as she shares the uplifting news that practicing gratitude can transform your mindset and more! Put simply, "gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.” Melody Beattie


Eileen Colianni, MS, is a mental health counselor and has been counseling people for almost 40 years. She has served as adjunct faculty in the  psychology department of her beloved alma mater, Carlow University where she was also the founding director of Carlow’s on -campus Counseling Center. Currently, Eileen is sharing what she’s learned from her clients , primarily by speaking at area libraries.


Adults Only

Adults 18+ only please.


Please register online or call the library at 412-828-9520 (SCL).

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