This event is in the "All Locations" group. Summer Reading Club: All Together Now All Day 6/3 - 8/5 All Locations This event is in the "All Locations" group. Jun-Aug 2023 Summer Reading Club: All Together Now All Day 6/3 - 8/5 All Locations Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: All Locations Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschool, Kids, Teens, Adults Program Type: Literacy Event Details: Read, connect and learn with us this summer! Learn more here!
This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. “Los Zorritos” Spanish Mini-Camp 10:00am - 12:00pm Cooper-Siegel Full Required Payment This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu “Los Zorritos” Spanish Mini-Camp 10:00am - 12:00pm Cooper-Siegel Full Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cooper-Siegel Room: Garden (Fritz Mitnick Welcome Garden and Porch) Age Group: Kids Required Payment Required Seats Remaining: 14 Event Details: Join us for some summer fun through this week-long opportunity to learn and practice Spanish! Learn Spanish and about the culture of different countries from Latin America with local Spanish teacher, Bea Conte. Disclaimer(s) Outside Program This Children's program will be held outside in the library's Welcome Garden, weather permitting.
This event is in the "Sharpsburg" group. Sharpsburg: Wiggle Time 10:30am - 11:00am Sharpsburg Full Required This event is in the "Sharpsburg" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu Sharpsburg: Wiggle Time 10:30am - 11:00am Sharpsburg Full Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Sharpsburg Room: Courtyard Age Group: Babies & Toddlers Program Type: Literacy, Storytime Required Seats Remaining: 12 Event Details: Update: The 7/13 session will be meeting OUTSIDE in the courtyard due to construction on our new Teen Space. Please bring a blanket or towel to sit on. Disclaimer(s) Drop-Ins Drop-ins welcome as space permits. Parent/Caregiver This program is designed for children and accompanying adults; please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program.
This event is in the "Sharpsburg" group. Sharpsburg: Carnival Camp 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sharpsburg Full Required This event is in the "Sharpsburg" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu Sharpsburg: Carnival Camp 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sharpsburg Full Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Sharpsburg Room: Community Room Age Group: Teens Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Food and Cooking, STEAM Required Seats Remaining: 8 Event Details: Let's host a carnival! Join Mr. James to spend a full week designing a community carnival which we'll host at the library for anyone to attend! Use your creativity to build games, design costumes, cook tasty carnival food, and more. Disclaimer(s) Registration Please register online or call the library at 412-828-9520 (SCL). Your Registration Please remember to cancel your registration if you cannot attend so that others may enjoy this program.
This event is in the "DIY Lab" group. DIY Lab Appt (Jim) 1:00pm - 4:00pm DIY Lab Full Required This event is in the "DIY Lab" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu DIY Lab Appt (Jim) 1:00pm - 4:00pm DIY Lab Full Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: DIY Lab Age Group: Adults Program Type: Technology Required Seats Remaining: 0 Event Details: This event is for a 1-on-1 Digitize It Yourself (D.I.Y.) Lab appointment. During the appointment, you can transfer and store your analog memorabilia, such as photos, slides, audio and video cassettes, into a digital format for safekeeping. Disclaimer(s) Accepted DIY Lab Formats Formats our lab supports: photographs, documents up to 8.5″ x 11″, negatives/Film ( 35mm, 4” x 5”, medium and 8” x 10”), 35mm slides, audio cassette tapes, VHS cassette tapes, Hi8, 8, and Digital8 video cassette tapes.The DIY Lab does not support: betamax, reel to reel audio, 8mm and 16mm film, and slides in any format other than 35mm. Adults Only Adults 18+ only please.
This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Reading Rockets: K-2 Book Club 6:00pm - 6:45pm Cooper-Siegel Full Required This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu Reading Rockets: K-2 Book Club 6:00pm - 6:45pm Cooper-Siegel Full Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cooper-Siegel Room: Program Room (Verne C. Koch Program Room) Age Group: Kids Program Type: Book Club, Literacy Required Seats Remaining: 13 Event Details: Join us for a special book club designed for kids entering grades K-2! Reading books is even more fun when we can talk about the stories with friends. How does it work? Disclaimer(s) Drop-Ins Drop-ins welcome as space permits. Registration Please register online or call the library at 412-828-9520 (SCL).
This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Crochet n' Things 6:00pm - 7:00pm Cooper-Siegel Full Required This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu Crochet n' Things 6:00pm - 7:00pm Cooper-Siegel Full Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cooper-Siegel Room: Reading Room (Scott Family Reading Room) Age Group: Teens, Adults Program Type: Arts & Crafts Required Seats Remaining: 19 Event Details: Come hang out with us as we crochet, knit, or do any other fun yarn craft! Disclaimer(s) Drop-Ins Drop-ins welcome as space permits. Supplies All supplies provided.
This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Cancelled Cookbook Club 7:00pm - 8:30pm Cooper-Siegel This event is in the "Cooper-Siegel" group. Jul 13 2023 Thu Cancelled Cookbook Club 7:00pm - 8:30pm Cooper-Siegel Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cooper-Siegel Room: Garden (Fritz Mitnick Welcome Garden and Porch) Age Group: Adults Program Type: Food and Cooking Cooks and Books Join your fellow cookbook-obsessed-peeps as we read, cook, chat and EAT! We'll meet once a month on the 2nd Thursday from 7-9 PM. Each month, we'll read the same cook book or choose a common ingredient or cuisine. We'll each cook something to share and gather to eat and talk! Event Details: This month we're prepping for a picnic in our garden in July! We'll be cooking from several great picnic-y books: Disclaimer(s) Adults Only Adults 18+ only please. After Library Closes This program occurs after the library closes. Registration Please register online or call the library at 412-828-9520 (SCL). Your Registration Please remember to cancel your registration if you cannot attend so that others may enjoy this program.