Program Type:
LectureProgram Description
Event Details
Join Betsy Kay Kennon, VMD as she shares stories from her book: Scooter the Therapy Cat. His story began when a frantic man rushed into a veterinary clinic with an unconscious cat who Dr. Betsy Kennon discovered was severely paralyzed. The future did not look bright for the little creature, who was an apparent stray. When the only option seemed to be euthanasia, Dr. Kennon heard a voice telling her to save this cat. Learn about their adventures together; stories of inspiration, the healing power of animals, and the breaking down of misconceptions about cats. Scooter, despite two paralyzed legs, and absolutely no prompting, was a beacon of hope, happiness and comfort to everyone he encountered. Read more about Dr. Kennon and her book on the Trib website and on her website.
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