Join us for Cooper-Siegel's Shark Week 2023 festivities! We love Shark Week here at Cooper-Siegel so to celebrate, each day we'll have a different drop-in craft or activity to do that's all shark-related!
Booked for Lunch
This group reads both fiction and nonfiction titles of all genres and formats and meets monthly in-person.
Stop in or call the library to get a copy of the current month's book.
In August we are discussing The Giver of Stars by Jo Jo Moyes.
Adults Only
Adults 18+ only please.
Join us for Teen After Hours every third Friday from 6:30-8:30pm! We'll have pizza and snacks and play video games, sing karaoke, play hide and seek in the library with the lights off, and much more! So come have a chill time with us.
After Library Closes
This program occurs after the library closes.
Drop-ins welcome as space permits.
Please register online or call the library at 412-828-9520 (CSCL) or 412-781-0783 (SCL).